Learn To Scuba Dive With Friends

If you learned with another agency,  join us and dive under your current qualification.
We are rebuilding the club with experienced divers and instructors at present due to the after effects of COVID.   We just want to go UK and holiday diving and enjoy it.  If you want to be at the centre of an active UK diving club,  get involved.

If you are new to scuba, we are not presently training new divers and are not offering try dives or pool training. We are focussing on training the divers we have to a level where we can rebuild our instructor base. 

Safety. Fun.
New Experiences. 
Beautiful reefs.
Inspiring wrecks

We intend to return to a training club,  once we have rebuilt our instructor base.  If you are a keen instructor,  get involved.
Who are Burntwood SAC
  • All our instructors are trained and certified

    Instructors are all BSAC trained as full instructors to the appropriate level for your training.

  • Our fee is annual. We reward people who train as instructors.

    We have an annual fee.   Divers can learn at their own pace.  We make sure you are competent to dive before we advance your training.

  • Established club with nearly 50 yrs of experience.

    The club is founded on enthuiasts.  We are all there to help each other.

  • We are an active club and have our own boat.

    We have a focus on sea diving.  This is sometimes difficult for a midlands club,  so we supplement trips to the coast with UK quarry diving to practice skills.

A Whole New World

Wreck Diving

Once people get into diving,  they quickly develop preferences for what they like to see.  We have a good mix of interest in our club:  Wreck diving,  it's history,  the tragedy and the story can all be fascinating to research and respectfully dive.

Reef Diving

Reef diving both overseas and UK can be surprising and fascinating.  The plethora of species of plant and animal are amazing and even after 20 years of diving,  something new is always coming to our attention

Technical Diving

We all start at the same place at Burntwood SAC:  safe club diving.  Having built up experience, confidence and capability,  some divers wish to challenge themselves more than most divers by going deeper and longer using technical skills and equipment.  This is not for everyone, but the rewards can be amazing. 


The club  trained me very thoroughly and professionally.  I progressed at a comfortable speed and always felt really safe and surrounded by a world of experience           ST 9.9.19
Being in my 50s I was concerned about learning to dive so late.  It turns out,  this is not an issue at all.   Diving is not just for the young.  The club has a lovely vibe and has really expanded my friendship group as well as giving me a new 'thing'   GW  18.9.19
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